Thursday, May 28, 2009

Schools out for SUMMER!

Now time for the Summer time blues...
Jump up and down in your blue suede shoes...
Hey kids rock and roll...Rock On...

School officially ended-ish this week. I'm still sitting at my an empty classroom...with desks piled high and a lot on my mind.

On my board I had students drawing pictures and writing sayings for the last day or so while they signed their yearbooks. In one corner it says, "Mr. Reeves is Hella Fly!" I erased most of the board but left that up, because it's nice to know that I'm hella fly.

As I walked through the office this morning I had two separate administrative people say that they had parents signing their kids up for next year and that I came heavily recommended. How Hella Fly did I feel? Very...the answer is very.

I learned a lot from my students this year. Though at times I complained about some of the terrible grammar, their attitudes, and their hygiene, I found that a good portion of my students were pretty good. It is so interesting to see the drive of some, and the lack thereof of others.

I had students who turned in all of the extra credit they could, and they earned around 107%
Meanwhile I had students who just refused to write 10 poems, and dropped from an A to a D+

The summer time is a time for rebirth in my opinion. Some would say it's the spring, but I think that summer time is really when a person is re-born. So this summer I have a load of things on my list to do. Read books, bond with family, and WRITE!

I want to write, I really want to write. A movie script? A Novel? A kids book? I don't know, but I feel like I have a lot of good ideas bouncing around this awkward skull of mine, and one of them has to be profitable right?

So this guy gets home from work one day, and he's just angry as all get out. He sees a snail by his doorstep and he chucks it as FAR as he possibly can. He feels better and goes inside...
Two years later a small tap at the door: As the man opens the door he sees the snail.
Man: Hey aren't you that snail I threw over there 2 years ago?
Snail: Yeah what's up with that!? students didn't really dig that one.

Anywho, I love and appreciate that so many of you read my ramblings. This post would be most excellent if I could ask you to leave a comment with a subject of a book or movie you'd like to see me write. If I ever get famous off of it I'll give you some moneys- Out

1 comment:

  1. How about a story about a small town sheriff you has a to deal with a crazy old woman. She annoys the hell out of him by calling him about every little disturbance. The catch is he happens to be a...werewolf or maybe a zombie or maybe a zombie-werewolf. Ok so maybe that was a terrible idea but hopefully you've got your imagination going.

    I wrote a screenplay last semester. It sucks but you should read it.
