Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sick Day!

When most people get sick they start to curse the world and get angry at their misfortune. However, I usually get slightly excited because that means I get to stay home from school! And now that I'm an adult it means a paid day off work!

Tonight I have the following symptoms:

Clogged sinuses- which contributes to headaches and such
My eyes burn- probably cause I'm currently at work in a basement full of teens and their odors

Sore Throat- not TOO sore, but enough to get that itch that drives you crazy and makes you cough.

Swollen Glands- I feel like somebody surgically implanted two hardboiled eggs in my neck.

Now back in the day this meant one thing: I don't have to share the Nintendo.

Remember those days? Your siblings go to school, you get a hot bowl of chicken soup and park yourself in front of the 8-bit NES or Super Nintendo and you never had to take turns? I loved those days. Siblings would get home and you'd be all up in their grill with, "cough cough I beat that level of Battle of Olympus that we could never was...cough...EPIC!"

Sadly, though I feel like I'm knocking on death's door, I have a lot of responsibilities tomorrow. I have a report to write, a lesson plan that is found ONLY on my laptop, and I just can't let my students get taught by a sub in the midst of the research project.

So I hang my head high, low, whatever, and go to work where I'll cough on my students and infect them as revenge for whomever gave me this nasty bug...COUGH COUGH!

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