Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So I just got back from my yearly trek up to Yellowstone. I love it up there. The fishing, the forests, the animals...the animals. Let's face it, we all want to see the predators right? Oh a deer..who cares!? It can't eat anyone can it? So we look for the Wolves and the Bears and such. Well after watching multiple episodes of Monster Hunters on the history channel I found these cool cameras that you hook to a tree. They take pictures of whatever passes by them. Well I bought one and took it camping with us. I set the camera up about 5 1/2 feet up a tree roughly 15 minutes walk away from our camp. Here's what I got:

Isn't that lovely and family friendly? Deer running around and no hunters in site...well a couple of hours after these deer got their picture taken, our camera had a little visitor...

Why is the camera spinning?

A large black hairy arm seems to be batting at my camera...

From what we can tell, this is the nose of the beast....

His ear? His rear? Not sure what part this is (black shape at the right)

And the camera rests at the foot of the tree...

My new motion senson camera with a large tooth mark right through the motion sensor.

This experience was freaking awesome. Rock and Roll- Out


  1. Oh my!
    That's cool you caught that on camera!
    But that's not so cool that a bear was that close to your camp!!!

  2. Justin- get this. Sammi and I have been festive in keeping up with Shark Week by watching a few choice attack videos online right before we go to bed. There was one with a guy who kissed a shark on the mouth and got a kiss right back- with 500 razor sharp teeth! Then there was also one of a surfer whose mangled bleeding body was a bit too much to handle for anyone's taste. He lived, but oh my it was a gruesome, gruesome scene. We have decided to never step into the ocean beyond the depth of our ankles!
