Monday, April 11, 2011

I Hate Zach Galifinakis and Seth Rogen

I know there are plenty of other guilty parties, but I'm going to focus on these two clowns because they caught my attention lately.

Since I'm not a regular viewer of raunchy "comedies," I haven't seen much of these guys. I saw the Galifinakis tool in the dinner for Schmucks flick, which I regret seeing, and he seems to be a one trick pony as far as the breadth of character he can play.

Recently I saw an interview done with Seth Rogen on the Conan O'Brien Show. Conan mentioned that Seth was a big fan of weed. Seth replied, "yeah, I have my medical marijuana card here in California." Conan asked him what his ailments were that warranted the use of the drug and he said something along the lines of "I'm sick of not having enough WEEEEED!"


Zach Galifinakis hosted SNL the other night. He had a large sheet of paper that read, "Clap if you endorse legalized marijuana." He then folded the paper back to read, "I'm ashamed of this audience." And then he peeled it back to say, "There should have been MORE clapping." Finally he finished with, "I smoke so much pot that sometimes I forget to smoke it."


I'd like to introduce these two morons to my students. This year I've had kids arrested for dealing your precious weed. They're going to be in the court system and won't be getting out to see your latest movie. I've had multiple students drop out and or fail my class and most other classes all year, and guess why they've all been suspended. I've got a kid right now whose IQ is basically flat lined because of how much weed he smoked growing up. Kid is only 15 and his mind is a barren wasteland.

So thanks for promoting drug use you guys. You are making millions while my kids here are failing out of life before they're 18.

There will be those who argue that it's not that big of a deal. They'll think me a small minded conservative Christian who knows nothing.

Well here's what I do know. Drugs are illegal, they screw you up, and these two morons who are adored by impressionable teenagers are out there promoting it.

I'm on the front lines. I see what it does to these kids. You clue-less hippies have a lot of blood on your hands.

-end frustrating rant.


  1. While we are at it... it's nice of all of the young actresses to get knocked up out of wedlock so that all of the teenage girls out there can think it's the cool thing to do. We are talking about creating another human life. Hollywood is so messed up. Where are the roll models. I know they are out there, but we never hear about them. It's much more fun for the media to flaunt the train wrecks, but our impressionable youth don't realize it's all being shoved down their throats.

  2. Cannabis is something which has brought me vast relief from a chaotic mental, I don't know, condition/disorder, but it's just something I take as medicine, and in unexpectedly small quantities, at that. I wouldn't press it on anyone, I wouldn't make some big public spectacle about how AMAZING POT IS, because it's just a plant. It has it's use, but the whole "stoner thing" is irritating and holds people back, mentally, with regards to the reality of cannabis.

    These men are too consumed with being on TV and in movies to likely ever stop and realize that they don't just appear, seen, to others, but also influence them. They are systematically lowering the standards of America, because they are simpletons who think they have a license to print money. Where has all the intellectualism gone? Why is so much of North America content to endure this eroding retardation?
